A lot of nothing

hi my unknown reader who implement the COM Interface IUnknown and may be IDispatch and the Dual Interfaces 🙂

lol 🙂

my latest News

attending the Master preliminary period for three months and should achieve more than 80% grade.

needless to say this will going to be an awufull experience we have a large 4 subjects in only 3 months

and Imagine all professors are keeping on 3D space and cylindrical co-ordinates and for my extreme astonish professor Ashraf Yousry talked abour Curviliniar co-oridinates.

I don’t know frankly what will happen in those 3 months. but the challenge is good, the content is good, and the overall environment still in its initial stages.

on the other hand, which is my job (I am waiting for any change to feel alive again)

on the emmotion level (nothing) [and I am losing interest in the whole thing]

I barely remember it nowdays

on the philosophical side (If you dare to call it philosophy of Ahmed Sadek) nothing also

I had a lot of ideas but not strong enough to be remembered or to be written again.

what else …

you should remember THE TWO CUBES

The first cube was for deducing the momentum that goes into the control volume of a fluid

the other cube for the forces that affect this cube which is the result from Shear Stresses and Pressures

every thing is messing up around me but no problem

lets have fun


ضائع الحاضر بخريطة المستقبل

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