Archive for December, 2007

عيد الأضحى المبارك

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

كيف حالكم قرائى المجهولين

اليوم عيد الأضحى المبارك

أتينا بالخروف و أدينا السنة المؤكدة

لشد ما يثير إعجابى فى ذلك اليوم اتفاق الناس على أمر من الأمور

فلربما قابلت الأفاق و المتعصب أو المتسيب و المتشكك

و لكن أمام االحم يتفق الناس على الطعام و على الشبع (ربما راجعت نفسى فى الجملة السابقة)

مررت بالأمس بتجربة مفجعة

ولولا أنى لا أثق فى الإنترنت لكنت قد حكيتها لكم

ولكنى سأحكى لكم ما استنبطت منها

1)  لا يحصد المرء زرعا سيئا من دون تصرف سئ بعد تفكير سئ.

2) لو كنا نملك جزئا من الحقيقة لكنا أصبحنا أحسن حالا.

3) عرفت مدى الجهد الذى بذله الأنبياء مع أقوامهم (وياله من جهد)

4) عرفت أنى لا زلت غرا ساذجا أقع فى الأخطاء كالأبله.

5) عرفت أن الدين جاء لحرية الإنسان و لكن الإنسان يأبى إلا أن يعيش فى سجن.

لا أخفيكم سرا

لا زلت أتعلم كيف أصبح حرا و كيف أخرج من عبادة العباد إلى عبادة رب العباد

بالمناسبة أنا أبعد الناس عن الوعظ و لكنى سأقولها لكم

قولوا لا إله إلا الله تفلحوا


       الضعيف الذى لا يفتأ يستعرض قوته.


Saturday, December 15th, 2007

I had fun today.

We went with Mr. Mohammed El Morsy to ‘Faied’ in a lovely village, we played, eat, and make a lot of joy of this day.

I think I have to buy a digital camera to shot this moments but what can I do :). I am this type of person who tries always to release his mind from memories. Memories are hard to maintain especially the good moments, and till now I don’t know what is the importance of keeping memories. memories will remind you of your uncompleted dreams and it is some how leave a pain in your chest.

But who knows I still want a digital camera that’s my right (If I have the money)

today which is 2 AM now I am going to meet a Father of a ‘girl’. Simply the marrige legend in all times. I hope I can find the motive to fight again.

chao for now.

Music talk

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

the two past days were so busy days

I almost got fainted

begining with visiting my freind Ahmed Gamal in military then going with Essam to pick up a powerfull PC for him with the less money we can, then goind to Dr. Sa7ar to fix and add some functionality to her music program.

the day after was friday

I spent with my mom and sister most of the time

I got 2 new suits for general purpose events grey, and black colors

Dr. Sa7ar gave me 500LE as another payment for my work in her program

I won’t tell you how am I feeling happy about those money

I earned much before but this amount of money is full of joy and happiness

I can’t describe the feeling from receiving a money from something you like to hear as music a music and made by programming which I love and to be able to make something from nothing.

I like researches

its about creating something you enjoy and others can use it

you can create a program to a big company oil company like I did before but you will lose your dignity trying to persuade people there how their assets is safe in your program.

but when you research, especially when you research in art, you  feel your self, your honor, and your sensation.

its a matter of how can you live in life.

a lot of people are living but not all of them are enjoying.

and I want to have my experience in this life untill the end.

God created me to reach him

do you think you can reach him my reader without sacrificing a little

if you don’t want to sacrifice a little then you will be forced to sacrifice and to see and learn

so please try to open your eyes a little, God is always there but we (in our endless wisedom) lost him.

and have a nice day my reader whom I know for sure that he is me after some time.